Miaka dreams of when she met Yui and their lifelong friendship. When she wakes up, she finds herself and Tamahome both unclothed in a room at Taiitsukun's palace with their wounds now healed. Chichiri, Taiitsukun and the Nyan-nyans enter and Miaka says she must go back to ask what happened with Yui. Taiitsukun says there is an easier way, and leads them to a gigantic mirror which records everything that happens in the world and replays it. Taiitsukun has the mirror showed them the events of three months earlier, and Miaka can only watch in horror as Yui is chased through a slum in Kutou by three men who catch her, pin her down, and begin ripping off her clothes. Unable to watch anymore, Miaka screams at it to stop and shuts herself inside her room, feeling it is her fault Yui was raped. Taiitsukun enters and shows her the true importance of the Priestess of Suzaku which makes Miaka more determined to summon Suzaku. She decides that she should relinquish her love for Tamahome because Yui loves him too. After they return to Konan, Tamahome wonders at Miaka's strange behavior and goes to her room to confront her. Hotohori catches him there and pulls his sword, demanding Tamahome explain his transgression. Refusing to back down, Tamahome openly declares his love for Miaka. Hotohori accepts Tamahome's willingness to face down his emperor for his feelings, and leaves them alone despite his own unrequited feelings.